Specialist Charity Newsletters

Keep your charity clients updated with the latest accounting, tax and governance developments.

Written by charity specialists, the charity newsletter includes easy-to-understand material on the latest accounting, taxation and governance issues. And from £225, it offers excellent value for money and saves you the time and trouble of creating your own. Further discounts are available for Mercia members.

A specialist charity newsletter enables you to build trust in your relationship with your clients and encourages them to approach you for specialist help no matter how big or small the issue.

  • Position yourself as the leading expert in the field
  • Gather insight to help your clients spot opportunities to approach you
  • Report on the latest regulatory changes, themes and trends in the sector
  • Advise of changes which may affect them and offer solutions
  • Raises awareness of items of trustee governance and financial guidance to ensure clients are fully compliant.

The Mercia Charity Newsletter is published twice a year. A Spring edition in April and an Autumn edition in October.

Spring 2022 Edition is still being finalised. Content included will be announced shortly.

No longer available

The Autumn 2021 edition continues to reflect on the issues affecting the charity sector as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. We consider the challenges as we emerge from lockdown and review the additional government support announced in the recent Budget.

Additional Topics Include:

  • Current Fraud Issues
  • Wellbeing in the Charity Sector
  • The Updated Charity Governance Code
  • Recent Reporting and Tax Developments
  • Other Pertinent Issues

The newsletter applies to clients within the UK and makes reference to the three UK charity regulators.


Order at any time of the year for the next edition to be sent straight to you inbox when it is published.

Charity News Letter

Pricing and Format Options:

The newsletter comes as an optimised Portable Document Format (PDF) file. You can publish it on your website, attach it to an email or print it out.

The standard version is £225+ VAT. View a sample

The bespoke version is £325+ VAT. This includes the same content as the standard version, plus your own lead page of news, featuring your charity experts and services. View a sample

A 10% discount is available to Mercia Group training members.

Available to order as a single or multiple editions.

Order Now ▼


Charities Conferences:

Our one day charities conferences have been specifically designed for partners and senior managers with responsibility for a number of charity clients.

On-demand Training Sessions:

Catch-up on a range of online training sessions covering issues related to the charity sector.

Charities: Current Accounting and Scrutiny Issues

The aim of this course is to keep all those involved in the preparation and scrutiny of charity accounts up to date with developments and common problem areas.

Charities: Approaching the Charity Audit

The course is designed to identify key areas associated with charity audits for those who have so far had limited exposure to this specialist area. It reviews practical problems encountered by charity auditors in applying current legislative, accounting and auditing requirements.

Charities: Approaching the Difficult Accounting Areas

The course is designed to review some of the more complex accounting areas with which charities have to deal. While there are a number of areas where charity accounts are very similar to those of other entities, the Charities SORP has some very specific and very different approaches which can be a cause for confusion and mistakes.

Order Charity Newsletter

To request a free sample or to order the Charity Newsletter, please complete the form below.

The bespoke version includes the same content as the standard version, with the added benefit of being able to customise it to include your own news/company updates.

*Mercia members receive 10% discount

If you wish to place an order for the Charity Newsletter, please tick which version you would like:

Your phone number will only be used to contact you about your order.


Client Newsletters


Whether you need a quarterly newsletter covering topical issues, or a specialist newsletter, we have options ready to provide to your clients.

Client Briefings


Topical in-depth content available for you to utilise as a valuable marketing tool to be used within your marketing activity throughout the year.

Charities Manual

Charities Manual

Our Charities Manual provides you with permanent file programmes needed to undertake an audit or independent examination for a charity.